
Books, podcasts, interviews and other media news of note that Hannah has been involved in.

The Hannah Macdougall Pool

Korowa Anglican Girls’ School names their new swimming pool ‘The Hannah Macdougall pool’: an eight-lane 25m swimming pool.

Book: The Essence of Poppy

It is not what happens in life but how you manage it!
By Dr C Macdougall & Dr H Macdougall

  • Poppy encounters challenges that many of us may confront in life, both professionally and personally. She suffers loss, stress and anxiety, anger, guilt, silence and withdrawal and begins to sink into burnout and depression.

    Chaucer, her mentor, provides Poppy with the pathways to counter negative forces in her life. With the understanding provided by Chaucer, Poppy learns how to build mental strength and core resiliency, and goes on to overcome negative forces on multiple fronts.

    Continually using the pathways to build her capabilities, Poppy grows into a very positive, strong and resilient leader.

  • About Dr. Cecily Macdougall

    Dr Cecily Macdougall has been a practitioner, thought leader, author and researcher in strategic change for more than 20 years.  She specialised in transformation;  driving strategy to execution and building team, organisation and individual resiliency.  Her doctorate from the University of Liverpool UK was in Change Leadership, from a social psychology perspective as well as an IT perspective.   She has a diverse background in health, education, IT and business.  She has created and commercialised several products, services and businesses and has held many senior roles and Board positions.

  • The Essence of Poppy can be purchased as a hardcopy by contacting Hannah directly, or via Amazon in Kindle format. Link here.

Podcasts & Interviews

Craig Harper Podcast – ‘The You Project’ Podcast – Episode 157 and 1485 with Craig Harper

Trainable with Ryan Trainor - Asher Packman, Hannah Macdougall & Cody Weightman: Going deeper: Mastering Mindfulness In Sport and Life.

Advancing Women in Sport with Michelle Redfern- Dr Hannah Macdougall: The Intersection of Disability and Gender in Sport

Off the Podium - A winning Mindset - Hannah Macdougall on well-being

VICSES Mindfit - Episode 4 - Competitive Mindfulness

It’s all Possible with Rob Hartnett - Ep 105 Dr. Hannah Macdougall - The Positive Mindset

#GetJasched - Dr Hannah Macdougall PhD - Lessons in athlete leadership from a Paralympian & WR holder

Sparta Chicks Podcast – A podcast interview on burnout, self-doubt and mindfulness.

Morningwave Busan – A radio interview for International Womens Day 2020.

Body Torque Podcast – A podcast interview focusing upon body image, self confidence and sport

Bean Talking Podcast – A podcast interview where elite performance – physical and mental – are discussed over a good chin wag!

Listen to Hannah speaking about her research as part of the 3 minute thesis competition or on Joy 94.9. (Hannah’s interview starts at 27.20mins.)